A Rad, Colorful Condo Part 3: The Living Room

Living Room Design Philosophy

“Just live in your house.” 

I shared the story about working with Robe and Kris on The Rad, Colorful Condo, and adamantly believe this about every project I design: in the interior design industry, often clients insist that they are going to have different habits in their new space–they’re going to live differently. The reality is, you’re going to want to live in your home the way that comes naturally to you.

One of my theories is that you deserve to live comfortably in your home.

This could mean just admitting that you like eating in your living room. Or that you simply hate using coasters. And if that be the case, maybe a pristine wood table isn’t for you. And that’s okay! Because you deserve to live naturally in your own home.

The room is set up for conversation and to admire the view. This means the chairs are easy to move around when guests come over, and the room works naturally for entertaining.

Complimentary Design Pieces

The ottoman and chairs are beautiful jewel tones that are accented with textiles that Robe and Kris have picked up in their travels to South America. In The Kitchen Design Challenge, we talked about how one of the clients’ goals was to feature these textiles in their home.

The chairs are complemented by the unique tables from Caracola and Charleston Forge, and light fixtures from Ridgley Studios in Toronto, Canada. Each piece is funky and interesting but doesn’t take the eye away from the room as a whole. In a way, every piece in this room is art in its own right.

Design Philosophy Based on You

I believe that trends are great, but if you design for the client, to what matters to them, the end result will always be timeless and relevant. I am inspired to design for people who like to take care of their family and friends, and who love to live in their homes.


Five Tips for Surviving a Kitchen Remodel


A Rad, Colorful Condo Part 2: Kitchen Design Solutions